Thursday, August 04, 2011

"Headline Should've Read, 'Spare Tire Crushes Unidentified White Man At Goal Line.' "

Charles "Bubba" Smith is a member of the College Football Hall of Fame, has a retired jersey at Michigan State, was the first overall pick in the 1967 NFL draft, made two Pro Bowls, won a Super Bowl with the Baltimore Colts, appeared in several TV shows, commercials and films as himself and in other roles, perhaps most famously starring as Officer Hightower in the 'Police Academy' series.

But to me, Bubba Smith will always be.....Spare Tire Dixon. I still use that "dropped you like third period French" line on a startlingly regular basis, despite the fact that I took French through my third year of high school. C'est vrai!

RIP Bubba

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