Friday, March 22, 2019

One Shining Moment

For years, CBS has aired a montage of tournament highlights after the final game of every NCAA basketball tournament.  The song used for this montage has always been "One Shining Moment," which I only just now learned was specifically written for the tournament and not just some random ballad that CBS appropriated.

The song debuted in 1987, yet it took until 2013 for someone to dub it over a series of scenes of The Shining.  Too long, people!

btw, I'm in three brackets this year, and my national title picks were Duke, Tennessee, and North Carolina.  Tennessee was the only team I had in all three Final Fours, so bet the farm on a round-of-32 upset.  Along those same lines, congratulations to Nevada as this year's winner of the Random-first round-team-who-lost-after-Mark-picked-them-to-advance-in-every-bracket-even-though-he-usually-hedges-on-almost-every-team-since-it-just-makes-sense-to-do-so-with-random-lower seed-games Trophy!

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